Setting goals — for a different reason!
Everyone has at least one goal in their lifetime.
We set goals, work hard to reach them and once we achieved them, we find new goals that we want to achieve.
Yet, goals can be set for a whole different reason — to get over from certain situations that bring you down.
It is normal that you get frustrated when things just don’t go the way you expect them to be — like when you had an argument with a friend or family when work at the office is getting out of your control, etc. At times, we can’t help but we might feel down. While some people will get out of these situations really fast — YOU ARE A LUCKY CHILD IF YOU ARE!, most of the others need a little more time to get over the whole negativity that swirls around.
Sometimes the way we react to likewise situations will end up making more frustrations than resolving.
Rather than just rationally acting to likewise situations, maybe you should wait and,
Set a Goal!
A goal, just to set your mind off for a while, until, inner you get back to peace.
You can learn a new outdoor activity you always wanted to try like fishing, snorkeling, or learn a new programming language that you haven't worked with like Scala, PySwift, or start again to write to your favorite blog that you missed for past weeks, etc.
Naturally, when you make these small achievements, you will feel more confident. After all, what made you frustrated before, maybe not the worst case!
And, Here You Are, A Better Version of yourself than before!